Our News items
Spring 1 Week 4 Newsletter, by Miss Young
Spring 1 Week 3 Newsletter, by Miss Young
Thank you to our PTA, by Mr Sahed
We are in the top 3 per cent!, by Mr Sahed
Spring 1 Week 2 Newsletter, by Miss Young
Spring 1 Week 1 Newsletter, by Miss Young
Dreams and Goals, by Mr Sahed
KS2 Christmas Carol Service 2023, by Mr Sahed
Children in Need, by Miss Young
Harvest food collection, by Mr Sahed
YR Family Friday, by Miss Barker
YR Superhero Day, by Miss Barker
#ThrowbackThursday, by Mr Sahed
Maths - investigating greater than and less than, by Mrs Perry
Science - exploring everyday materials around us, by Mrs Perry
Habitats, by Ms Barker
We have been learning about properties and changes of materials., by Mrs Gallagher
We are practicing our handwriting., by Mrs Gallagher
In maths we are converting metric units., by Mrs Gallagher
We are practicing multiplying 2 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers., by Mrs Gallagher
We are using our phonics to improve our spelling., by Mrs Gallagher