At Moseley Church of England Primary School, we want all of our children to develop the confidence to experiment and invent their own works of art.
We want to give pupils every opportunity to develop their ability, nurture their talent and interests, express their ideas and thoughts about the world, as well as learning about art and artists across cultures and through history.
Scheme of work | Why have we chosen Kapow Art? · The scheme of work is carefully sequenced into units that build on pupils’ prior learning, ensuring a comprehensive and cohesive art and design curriculum. · There are four core areas of focus: drawing; painting and mixing; sculpture and 3D; craft and design. · Each five-lesson unit is divided into four core areas, which are repeated in each year group to provide greater clarity over knowledge and skills progression within the four areas. · Over the course of the scheme, children develop their essential skills and practical, theoretical and disciplinary knowledge within the key areas of drawing; painting and mixed media; sculpture and 3D; and craft and design. · Children will be encouraged to combine their knowledge of what constitutes ‘art’, specific artists and techniques with their own experiences to evaluate artworks and to inform their own creative practices. · Substantive knowledge is developed through practical and theoretical exploration of art, disciplinary knowledge is developed through evaluation of art. · The Kapow scheme follows the spiral curriculum model where previous skills and knowledge are returned to and built upon. · Each unit of lessons are always practical in nature and encourage experimental and exploratory learning with pupils using sketchbooks to document their ideas. |
Delivery | · Art is taught every other half term and is delivered weekly (1 hour/week). · Lessons focus on the key skills of generating ideas, using sketchbooks, making skills, knowledge of artists and evaluation and analysis. · Key vocabulary is introduced in lessons. · Sketchbooks are used to show children’s learning, ideas and analysis of art. · Knowledge organisers for each unit support pupils in building oracy in Art and design by understanding key facts, vocabulary and an exploration of artists’ work - these are shared with parents at the start of each unit of learning. · Bloom’s Taxonomy is used to ensure all children are challenged through higher level thinking skills. · Differentiation is flexible and not aligned to core subjects. Children are encouraged to choose their own level of challenge. |
Assessment | · Children complete a pre and post assessment task, teachers use this to pitch learning tasks and assess new learning at the end of each unit. · Assessment for learning takes place in each lesson, enabling teachers to have high subject-specific expectations of all children. · End of unit summative assessments are made by teachers, identifying those children who exceeded/did not meet expectations. |
Learning environment | · Key artwork and vocabulary is displayed in the classroom. · Children’s work is celebrated through displays. |
Enrichment | · Creative arts week is designed to provide opportunities for children to express their creativity through a range of art and design tasks. · High-level artwork displayed around the school focusing on key artist. · Trip to art gallery to take place at the end of Year 6. |