to Serve




At Moseley Church of England Primary School our aim is to support the development of fine motor skills and handwriting proficiency amongst all of our children, encouraging them to take pride in the presentation of their work and build a crucial life skill.


Progression of handwriting at Moseley CE Primary School:

EYFS - Structured programme to introduce handwriting to Early Years pupils.

KS1 - Resources to teach other character sets and to reinforce and practise handwriting.

KS2 - Exercises to promote fluent and legible handwriting to help reach National Curriculum expectations.

Scheme of work

 Why have we chosen Letterjoin as our handwriting scheme?

·         Letter-join is a whole school handwriting scheme offering teachers the option to start teaching handwriting using either printed or cursive letters. The Letter-join website is continuously updated with new resources providing the most comprehensive and enjoyable handwriting scheme for teachers and pupils. Pupils can also access a wide range of resources at home.

·         The scheme includes animations, touch-screen activities, cursive and printed fonts, lesson planners and access to hundreds of practice worksheets.

·         We have been able to personalise our scheme by choosing fonts we believe to be the most beneficial for our children –

·         Letterjoin Print Plus* in EYFS and Y1 (and Y2 until the children are ready to start to join)- children will write using pre-cursive formation 

Letterjoin Plus** from Y2 – Y6 – a continuous cursive style offering an efficient handwriting style with conformity of letter size and shape.

·          In order to provide consistency and rigor, we have introduced tri-lined handwriting paper exercise books, across the curriculum. This is to provide consistent practice for the children, in every lesson, and not just for a one off lesson each week.

·         When children are ready, they will return to writing on every line.

·         Children in Year 6 will be encouraged to use a handwriting pen as they progress through the year.



·         Assessment is ongoing- we do not ‘test’ handwriting

·         During lessons, the teacher/TA, will help and support the children where necessary.

·         Any children needing extra interventions may be given a focused time to practice in a 1:1 situation.

Learning environment

·         An alphabet display, using the correct font, will be displayed in class

·         Some children will have access to an alphabet display placed on the tables or as a strip in their writing books to aid recall of letter shape and formation.

·         Children will be taught that different styles of presentation are appropriate for different pieces of work and different circumstances – for that reason we have a range of fonts displayed around the classrooms for children to read and see

Children’s work is celebrated through peer discussion, class praise, displays in class and certificates, linked to the ‘Writer of the Week’.

- Presentation in their independent writing and publishing of their writing, producing neat copies of poems, writing cards and display captions.

- All children are provided with access to the Letterjoin website at home***

Letterjoin Print Plus*

print plus.JPG

Letterjoin Plus**

letterjoin plus.JPG

***Log in for home access 

log in.JPG


sitting position.PNG

pencil grip.PNG




Our Values


Our Values

We are guided and strengthened by our distinctively Christian values of Hope, Courage, Love, Thankfulness, Trust and Forgiveness. These values were chosen by our school community by reflecting deeply on the meaning of 6 key stories from the Bible. These values are nurtured and lived by all in our school community as we continue to learn and grow together.

Stay Connected

Moseley Church of England Primary School
Oxford Road, Moseley, Birmingham B13 9EH

Who We Are

Headteacher | Ms K Young
SENDCO | Mrs G Amion (sendco@moseleyce.bham.sch.uk)