Remote Education Information
Our Approach to Remote Education
The information on this page is intended to provide information for pupils and parents or carers about what to expect from remote education where national or local restrictions require entire cohorts (or bubbles) to remain at home and what to expect where individual pupils are self-isolating.
Please see our Remote Learning Plan and Remote Learning Policy below.
Click on the images below to access the sites that school might use to provide Remote Education.
Reading and Writing for Pleasure
Here are a range of websites to support Moseley’s love of reading and writing.
The websites linked to reading offer the opportunity to listen to books being read aloud by authors and well known actors.
The writing websites offer a range of stimuli to start writing and to give children a wide range of ideas for writing.
Reading for Pleasure **This one does require a subscription**
Writing for Pleasure
Supporting Well-Being during Remote Education |
School staff are available to help you with your health and well-being during periods of Remote Education. Please contact the school office and ask to speak to your child's class teacher or a Designated Safeguarding Lead who can signpost you to further support. Parents can also find resources on the Parent Information pages that are designed to support your well-being. |